Katende Stephen

Katende Stephen

Uganda, East Africa


  • Community Empowerment
  • Economic Development
  • Education

Katende Stephen is the Team Leader and Founder of Kisoboka Africa, an organization that is ensuring financial inclusion and economic empowerment mainly for youth, women and children in rural communities of Uganda.

The organization supports community members to form saving groups based in schools, access loans and equips them with business skills to enable them invest in small businesses to improve their livelihoods and be able to finance children education. It also supports children to form young savers clubs where they are equipped with financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills and being supported to start small businesses in their schools.

Stephen is a YALI RLC East Africa alumnus, a 2018 Queen`s Young Leader, 2016 world Bank Blog4Dev winner, and a Building Tomorrow fellowship alumnus. He was also a high a panelist at The World Innovation Summit (WISE) 2019 in Qatar sharing strategies how the world can ensure that every child has access to education. Stephen has experience in education, financial inclusion and community mobilization for development.

Kisoboka Africa works to ensure financial inclusion and economic empowerment for people in rural and underserved communities of Uganda. The organization currently works with over 33 schools in Lwengo district providing business trainings, financial literacy, revolving loans and facilitating parent teacher engagement to ensure parental engagement in children education.

Our Collaboration:

We started working with Stephen in 2019 and our first grant allowed for expansion of Kisoboka’s school community bank and young savers club model to five new schools in 2020.

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